Ways to Serve

Serving Opportunities

Children’s Church – this is a rotation of volunteers that serve during the children’s church portion of our worship service.  Children’s church is divided into a potty trained Pre-K group and a K-2nd grade group.

Nursery & Toddlers  this is a rotation of volunteers who serve with our bed babies and our toddlers during the worship service each Sunday morning.  

Teaching Opportunities – we have opportunities to serve as Sunday School teachers and assistants as well as helping to teach different age groups on Wednesday nights (babies through 5th grade)

Children’s Events and Outings – from time to time we will have children’s events and outings that we will need volunteers to drive, go as camp counselors, or just be chaperones at events.

*All volunteers who serve directly with children are required to have a background check.


Greeting Team – this is a rotation of volunteers who help to create a welcome environment during our Sunday School and Worship Services.  

Parking Lot Team – this is a rotation of volunteers who help to greet people in the parking lot and drive golf carts to take people to and from their vehicles on Sunday mornings.

Safety/Security Team – this a rotation of volunteers who help to provide a safe environment for our church on Sunday mornings.

Traffic Team – this is a rotation of volunteers who help expedite our exit from the church parking lot on Sunday mornings by directing traffic flow.

School Ministry – this is a group of volunteers who would like to help minister to our local schools.

Foster Care Ministry – this is a group of volunteers who would like to assist with needs associated with our local foster families or would like to become foster families themselves.

Visitor Ministry – this is a group of volunteers who would like to help make our visitors feel welcome each Sunday at our visitor table, help drop off gift bags to the homes of people new to the community, or make contact with those who have visited our church for the first time recently.  

Service Projects – this is a group of volunteers who would like to get involved in serving our community through our various service project opportunities throughout the year.

Volunteer Opportunities – this is a group of volunteers who would like to be involved in helping out with student ministry needs.

Student Events & Outings – this is a group of volunteers who would like to assist in student ministry by volunteering their time, homes or resources for student ministry events and outings.  

Hospitality – this is a group of volunteers who would like to make food and snacks for our student ministry on Wednesday nights, Sunday nights or other special student activities.

*All volunteers who serve directly with students are required to have a background check.

Men’s Breakfast – this is a group of men’s volunteers who would like to assist in the preparation of breakfast or other aspects of our Saturday morning men’s breakfasts.  

Men’s Events & Outings – this is a group of men’s volunteers who would like to help with the planning and implementation of men’s events and outings.

Women’s Retreat – this is a group of volunteer women who would like to help with the planning and implementation of our ladies retreat each Spring. 

Women’s Events & Outings – this a group of women’s volunteers who would like to assist in the planning and implementation of events and activities associated with our women’s ministry.

Wednesday Night Meals – this is a group of volunteers who would like to assist with the preparation and implementation of our Wednesday evening meals each week.

Funeral Meals – this is a group of volunteers who would like to help prepare and serve any funeral meals that our church has the opportunity to host.

Church Wide Events – this is a group of volunteers who would like to help prepare and serve at any events that our church might host such as potluck dinners or other special events.

Worship Team – have any special musical abilities such as singing or playing an instrument?  Maybe consider serving on our worship team!

Audio/Visual Team – We are always looking for individuals with an interest in running sound, lights, lyric slides or even working a camera on Sunday mornings.  

Church repair & maintenance projects – If you are handy or maybe just able bodied, we have work days at the church and at from time to time to do things like painting, changing light bulbs, filters, and other needed projects that helps keep our church looking great and functioning properly.

Falls Creek Cabin Team – We are blessed to have our own Falls Creek cabin and a couple times each year we go down to clean and do some upkeep on it to keep it looking and running great for the hundreds of children and students who use it each year.

Local Missions – Throughout the year we have local mission opportunities such as “Church in the Park”, ministry to the Hope Center, our local schools and any number of projects that come to us during our yearly “Serve Day”. 

Disaster Relief – Our Oklahoma Disaster Relief team is one of the nation’s finest teams that meet the needs of those in crisis.  We have those who serve across the nation with ODR as well as volunteers within our church who serve those locally who have experienced a natural disaster. 

Mission Trips – We love serving those in need locally in our church, but we also offer opportunities to serve across the nation and across the world by going on Mission Trips.

Volunteer Opportunities – this is a group of volunteers who would like to be involved in helping out with college ministry needs.

College Events & Outings – this is a group of volunteers who would like to assist in college ministry by volunteering their time, homes or resources for college ministry events and outings.