Answers in Genesis
March 2 - 3
Goldsby KIDS exists to help families form a foundation of faith in their children that will last a lifetime!
Catechisms- Each age group is taught biblical truth through a question and answer approach known as a catechism. The catechisms progress with each age becoming more in-depth as your child progresses through our ministry.
Chronological- Goldsby KIDS uses chronological curriculums with every age to ensure kids get a big picture idea of the Bible. This helps build a faith that can have confidence in God's word!
Worship- A priority of God's people has always been singing. It encourages others, strengthens our faith, and allows for the truth of God to be easily remembered. Goldsby KIDS desires to enrich children's walk with Jesus through worship in all ages!
Prayer- Talking to God will one of the main elements of a believers life. Our heart is to teach children what prayer is, how to pray, and how to see God answer our prayers. Prayer is experiencing God and we desire to teach them how to experience God all the days of their life!
9:30am - 10:30am
10:30am - 12pm
8:00am - 12pm
6:30pm - 7:30pm